Operational Engagement & Analytics

An Epic implementation is much more than an IT project - it is a collaborative transformation, at its most effective when the goals of project teams, executive management and medical care providers are properly aligned. To receive the most value from your new EMR platform, your organization must harmonize its strategic goals with the operational output of both clinical and revenue cycle end users. Ascent Healthcare can help.

With our Operational Engagement services, Ascent consultants can help analyze the effectiveness of your organization, identifying critical areas where workflows can be optimized and Epic can better integrate into clinical and back office processes. Utilizing detailed metrics and management analysis best practices, Ascent can show you how to leverage Epic best to enhance patient care, boost revenue and improve clinical documentation.

Don’t navigate into Epic without a plan to orientate yourself. Ascent can help you develop a comprehensive strategy for success at any point in your implementation process, whether in the early planning stages or in pursuit of a post-live opportunity.

Breaking Down Barriers

Modern healthcare is an incredibly complex and costly enterprise, a problem compounded by the rapid proliferation of competing data technologies and information methodologies. The average hospital today hosts a blizzard of patient EMR data, often in dozens of different systems that rarely and ineffectively communicate with each other. Different facilities, departments and clinical teams are very often likewise separated by the silos that define their individual organizations.…

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