Breaking Down Barriers

Modern healthcare is an incredibly complex and costly enterprise, a problem compounded by the rapid proliferation of competing data technologies and information methodologies. The average hospital today hosts a blizzard of patient EMR data, often in dozens of different systems that rarely and ineffectively communicate with each other. Different facilities, departments and clinical teams are very often likewise separated by the silos that define their individual organizations.

As American healthcare moves toward a more holistic, integrated model that targets overall wellness more than specific services, these obstacles are being removed: some easily, some loudly – and some, not without a great deal of difficulty. But to remain competitive and promote positive streams of revenue in this new era of accountable care, hospitals today must work to break down the barriers that overcomplicate medical practices and the doctor-patient relationship.

At Ascent, our first and foremost mission is to support your organization in eliminating the barriers that are adding unnecessary cost and complexity to your hospital. While our technology focus is in Epic integrated EMR solutions, our experience in healthcare project management and efficiency consulting offers a tremendous advantage to organizations struggling to simplify.

We can help remove the obstacles that stand between your organization and itself, and ultimately between your organization and those who depend on you for their care. From staff augmentation to leadership in Epic-driven efficiency projects, our team looks forward to assisting your hospital in achieving new levels of visibility, transparency and clinical excellence.

Are technology barriers preventing you from making rapid progress towards the highest quality care? Ask us today how Ascent can help you take the next steps towards a more streamlined, integrated electronic medical record.

We Are Hiring

Ascent Health Care Group is currently seeking experienced, energetic consultants to join our team. Applicants should be motivated self-starters, have a proven industry track record and industry knowledge, and be flexible enough to creatively tackle tough problems.

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Quality over Quantity

Better. Not simply more.

Throughout the American healthcare industry today, quality is driving change: the transition from fee-for-service to overall wellness, a growing focus on long term benefits, and an expanding emphasis on excellence in the institutions, organizations and technologies that deliver medical care…

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